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Paternity Rights: What you need to know?

Paternity Rights We’ve all heard stories of “Deadbeat Dads” who fathered a child or children and then abandoned them and the mother. Until recently, one could argue that fathers didn’t have many rights in the eyes of the court.  Often it was presumed ‘the child is...

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Operating Agreement – Common Questions

Operating Agreement (also known as an LLC Agreement): 10 Commonly Asked Questions and Answers Whether an operating agreement or LLC agreement needs to be in writing? No. An operating agreement does not need to be in writing. However, it is strongly suggested that an...

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How to Find a Good Coral Gables Corporate Lawyer

You may think that there are lawyers everywhere, but good lawyers are hard to come by. If you want a lawyer that works in a particular area, then you may struggle even more to find someone that fits your needs. Finding a lawyer isn’t always about who you talk to, but...

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