Understanding Agency Every business employs or assigns certain people to perform tasks on their behalf. An agent is the waitress you hired to work at your new restaurant or the person you hired to promote your restaurant. The principle, or the business owner, is the...
Corporate and Commercial Law
Getting Smart with Your Business Contract
Contracts are highly complex documents. If they are drafted properly, they are legally binding and can have far-reaching ramifications for your business. It is always to your advantage to get deals in writing, however, you should hire the services of a business...
Business Litigation 101: Understanding the Discovery Process
Business Litigation The old adage “knowledge is power” couldn't be more true in the case of litigation. When you're dealing with a business dispute or other civil lawsuit, the information at your disposal can make all the difference. That's where the discovery process...
Economic Sabotage: An Introduction to Tortious Interference
When companies take competition too far, they can cross legal lines and cause serious trouble for other businesses. That's when the concept of “tortious interference” often comes in. One party may be guilty of tortious conduct when they interfere with another party's...
Should You Accept the Settlement?: 5 Factors to Consider When Weighing Your Options
Nationwide statistics show that most lawsuits reach a settlement before they reach the trial stage. After all, people tend to gravitate towards the least risky option with the greatest certainty of reward. Still, if you've been offered a settlement for your business...
3 Significant Benefits of Arbitration
Arbitration is a form of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) whereby the interested parties refer their issue to an arbitrator—usually just one but sometimes a tribunal—who will review the evidence and listen to each party’s case in a relatively informal hearing, and...
Do You Need An Employee Handbook?
As a small business owner, it can sometimes feel impossible to do it all. It's difficult enough to ensure that employees are performing quality work, let alone have to be concerned about issues with problems including attendance, the dress, and how each employee...
6 Tips to Help Your Company Avoid Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Violations
The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) was originally established in 1938 and has since seen numerous updates and amendments. This federal statute governs numerous aspects of employment law, such as things like minimum wage, overtime, child labor laws, and much more. The...
How to Properly Terminate an Employee
You have an employee on your hands with definite performance concerns…and even a bigger problem now: You need to terminate their employment. Today business owners are more cautious about terminations – especially because they never know what will come back to them. If...
8 Tips to Help You Mitigate Your Risk of Employee Lawsuits
Unfortunately, there is simply no foolproof way to guarantee that your company will never get sued. You can prepare all you want and take every step possible to try to prevent lawsuits, but we live in a litigious society where just about anyone can sue your business...
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