Divorce proceedings are inherently complex and delicate matters, and cases involving high net-worth couples can become exponentially more complicated. Even when amicable, high net-worth divorce cases often carry elevated stakes due to the complexity of diving...
The Intricacies of High Net Worth Divorce Cases
by Regina Campbell | Jul 30, 2024 | Alimony, Alternatives to Litigation: Mediation, Arbitration and Collaborative Law, Arbitration, Blog, Collaborative Law: A Low-Conflict Alternative, Divorce / Post Divorce Actions, Enforcement and Modification of Domestic or Foreign Orders or Judgement, Equitable Distribution, Family Law Agreements, High Conflict-Complex Divorces/Post-Divorce Actions, Marital Settlement Agreements, Marital Settlement Agreements, Mediation, Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreement, Uncontested Divorce
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