In today’s digital age, intellectual property for businesses is more important than ever. Not only is it important for businesses to recognize and protect their own intellectual property, it’s also important for businesses to recognize other business’ intellectual...
Corporate and Commercial Law
Why Your Business Needs a Handbook for Employees
Your business needs an employee handbook, plain and simple. Do you already have one? If so, you are one of the proactive business owners out there, but if not you have some work to do -- and it's easier than you think. Take some time out to create your employee...
How to Protect Business Assets When Essential Employees Leave
When essential employees leave your business for one reason or another, it can be difficult to adapt in many ways. Arguably the most important way is to protect your assets properly. Intellectual property such as patents, copyrights, trademarks and the like must be...
How to Keep Your Not For Profit Thriving
To keep your not for profit thriving you must place principles before personalities, craft organization charts and job descriptions carefully, separate personal interests and charitable purposes as well as follow corporate formalities. Not for profits accomplish...
Choosing Between a Corporation and a LLC
The Business Formation Question: Corporation or LLC Is a Limited Liability Company (LLC) better form for your business than a corporation? The advantage of a Limited Liability Company is it allows management flexibility, and has potential tax benefits for the members....
Stalled Airport Project May Lead to Suit Against Miami-Dade
Contractor Odebrecht USA has stated that it may sue Miami-Dade County, which runs Miami International Airport, for long delays in planned upgrades to the MIA airport. The city has been planning new commercial development around the airport for six years, but nothing...
Small Business Administration Changes the Definition of a Small Business
The U.S. Small Business Administration has announced new definitions for small businesses that may add an additional 8,500 businesses as “small businesses” overnight when the rule goes into effect on July 14, 2014. 500 Industries Affected The Small Business...
Insider Trading 2.0?
U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder recently called high-frequency trading “Insider Trading 2.0.” Alternatively, the director of the Securities and Exchange Commission, Mary Jo Wright, feels differently about the new stock trading practice. She has explicitly said that...
Miami’s Business Atmosphere Attracts Venture Capitalists
Miami is a major incubator of new businesses and has been called the most entrepreneurial city in the U.S. Miami’s position as a city with a highly unique culture, very diverse population, and connections to Latin America, make it both a highly appealing place to...
What Can a Miami Business Lawyer Do For A Small Business?
Commercial Litigation | Lawyers in Miami, Florida The business world is a competitive, complex jungle. No one knows that better than the thousands of small business owners in Miami. Those who run companies of various sizes appreciate how difficult it is to control...
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