In business, litigation is something most people want to avoid. Not only is it costly and time consuming, but the outcome is extremely unpredictable and even the most experienced attorney is never sure of the outcome. Shareholder disputes often benefits from...
Regina Campbell on Pete Biz Radio Part 1
Attorney Regina Campbell has begun a 7-part interview series on Pete Biz Radio. You can access the episodes via PC, Laptop, Tablet, or Smart Phone. You can also download "Free" apps: TuneInRadio or NobexRadio (Search for World Business Radio Network). Make the show a...
Campbell Law Group Attends PACE Fundraiser
Regina Campbell, Esq. attended PACE Center for Girls’ Annual Fundraiser at the Coral Gables Country Club last month. The students and alumni were an inspiration to the entire audience. Each one of the girls gave touching, personal stories of how PACE saved...
Regina Campbell on Pete Biz Radio Part 3
Attorney Regina Campbell has begun a 7-part interview series on Pete Biz Radio. You can access the episodes via PC, Laptop, Tablet, or Smart Phone. You can also download "Free" apps: TuneInRadio or NobexRadio (Search for World Business Radio Network). Make the show a...
Regina Campbell on Pete Biz Radio Part 4
Attorney Regina Campbell has begun a 7-part interview series on Pete Biz Radio. You can access the episodes via PC, Laptop, Tablet, or Smart Phone. You can also download "Free" apps: TuneInRadio or NobexRadio (Search for World Business Radio Network). Make the show a...
Regina Campbell on Pete Biz Radio Part 5
Attorney Regina Campbell has begun a 7-part interview series on Pete Biz Radio. You can access the episodes via PC, Laptop, Tablet, or Smart Phone. You can also download "Free" apps: TuneInRadio or NobexRadio (Search for World Business Radio Network). Make the show a...
5 Tips to Help Your Business Avoid Falling Victim to Fraud
When most people hear about fraud, they tend to think about fraud against the average person, like identity theft or wire fraud. Fraud against a business may not enter into their minds. As a business owner, you know better. Your business deals with a range of...
Asset Purchase Agreements: Understanding Covenants and Their Role in the Agreement
An Asset Purchase Agreement (APA) is a document that solidifies and makes legal an agreement between a buyer and a seller. A solid APA outlines and finalizes terms and conditions related to the purchase and sale of tangible or intangible assets. APAs are legal...
6 Essential Components of a Strong Merger & Acquisition
When you consider engaging in a merger or acquisition with another company, you may have plenty of motivations. It could be a financial leg-up or a key step in assuring your company's prosperity. If you don't plan your M&A with care, however, you risk throwing...
Business Law 101: The Benefits of Organizing as an LLC
Choosing the right model for your business plays a huge role in its financial success. Your choice also dictates your liability should anything go awry, and how your business is regulated. For those reasons, thousands of new business owners opt to establish themselves...
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