A dispute arises between your business partner, client, manufacturer or a third party. What do you do? First you should try to resolve the dispute as amicably as possible. However, if an amicably approach does not work, then you need to consider other dispute...
Centro de Negocios Internacionales
Centro de Negocios Internacionales: Florida, conocido mundialmente como la capital del sol, en los últimos años se ha posicionado como un centro de comercio internacional debido a su posición geográfica y diversidad cultural. Su cercanía con Latinoamérica, los...
Contracts in Tech: Choosing the Appropriate Dispute Resolution Clause
Contracts in Tech: Choosing the Appropriate Dispute Resolution Clause The huge growth in tech companies across Florida, and indeed across much of the United States and globally, is a massive boon for business. Yet as always, it’s also important to ensure that you are...
Complex Business and International Litigation
Complex Business Litigation and International Litigation/Arbitration Complex Business Litigation Complex business litigation cases can be time-consuming, expensive, and require significant resources to manage. However, they are also essential for businesses to protect...
It is Now Easier for Florida Businesses to Obtain Out of State Records through the Uniform Interstate Depositions and Discovery Act (“UIDD”)
Imagine the following, an out-of-state competitor just hired your leading salesperson. Prior to departing your business as an employee, your top salesperson misappropriates your company’s confidential client lists and proprietary information. Next, you receive...
The Status of the Dept of Labor’s (DOL) Joint Employer Rule and Biden’s Employment Law Agenda
Right after Joe Biden took office as the 46th President of the United States we wrote a blog post detailing expected changes in employment law with the new administration. This blog post is a follow-up to our first post; we’ll discuss the change in rules that have...
An Unexpected and Hopeful Example of an Amicable Divorce: Jeff and MacKenzie Bezos
In January 2019, high net worth power couple, Jeff and MacKenzie Bezos (now MacKenzie Scott) announced their plans to divorce via a joint Twitter statement, and many predicted a form of legal warfare in what was expected to be (and, indeed, what ultimately proved to...
Executive Compensation Litigation Blog
Before we can talk about executive compensation litigation, we need to first explain what exactly executive compensation is. Executive compensation is significantly different from typical pay packages for salaried or hourly workers because executive pay is based on...
Parental Alienation in Divorces
Parental alienation is a term that is often thrown around in divorce and paternity proceedings, however, it is rarely ever truly understood at its core. Parental alienation is a process by which a child is turned against one of their parents due to the emotional...
Changes in Florida Mandatory Disclosure Requirements
One thing we know for sure is that change is constant and that also applies to family law. On January 1, 2021, the Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure were amended, and among the many changes, the mandatory disclosure rule (12.285) was changed the most...
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