Regina Campbell

Valuations of Companies During COVID-19

As the latest Omicron surge passes, health experts are fairly in agreement that the beginning of the end of the pandemic is near, and soon the endemic portion of the pandemic will be here. Throughout the highs and lows of the various COVID-19 surges since March of...

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The Status of the Dept of Labor’s (DOL) Joint Employer Rule and Biden’s Employment Law Agenda

Right after Joe Biden took office as the 46th President of the United States we wrote a blog post detailing expected changes in employment law with the new administration. This blog post is a follow-up to our first post; we’ll discuss the change in rules that have...

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An Unexpected and Hopeful Example of an Amicable Divorce: Jeff and MacKenzie Bezos

In January 2019, high net worth power couple, Jeff and MacKenzie Bezos (now MacKenzie Scott) announced their plans to divorce via a joint Twitter statement, and many predicted a form of legal warfare in what was expected to be (and, indeed, what ultimately proved to...

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Social Media Policies: The Law And Your Business

As a modern communicative practice, social media is subject to various types of laws created for the protection of users and other parties. It’s a relatively new way of communicating, so some of these laws and regulations are still in their infancy, but as we have...

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The Benefit of A Special Magistrate In Complex And Contentious Litigation Cases

There is nothing more draining and devasting than complex or contentious litigation. Complex and contentious litigation cases, whether it is in family or civil court are identified by certain characteristics. Some of those characteristics include (i) multiparty...

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