Tortious Interference with an Advantageous Business Relationship

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Relationship-building can take years, as can the development of your most important trade secrets, for that matter, while the destruction of these elements of your business can occur in an instant. Similarly, a business deal can take months and even years of planning to come to fruition, while intentional third-party interference can stop a deal overnight. When outside entities move to harm the economic fortunes of your company while enriching their own in the process, they are tortfeasors committing tortious interference with an advantageous business relationship.

There are certain facets of tortious interference that must be demonstrated to litigate successfully. The plaintiff must be able to demonstrate the existence of an advantageous business or economic relationship or potential relationship that the tortfeasor was aware of. The plaintiff must also demonstrate that the tortfeasor intentionally and unjustifiably intervened against the pending or possible relationship between your business and another client or company (such as a vendor or supplier, a business entity you were considering the purchase of, a business under consideration for a merger, etc.). And finally, the tortfeasor’s action has to have resulted in damage to your business. In most cases, the tortfeasor’s tortious interference must be intentional in order for you to collect damages and must include some sort of wrongful act (such as the improper use of confidential information which a tortfeasor uses to interfere with your clients or beneficial relationships).

Litigating against tortious interference with an advantageous business relationship requires aggressive legal representation well versed in Florida tort law and with extensive familiarity in bringing forth tortious interference cases in Florida courts.

Our firm has the expertise and resources to build a solid case and litigate a tortious interference action on your behalf. Experience matters. Your business will benefit from a law firm that can anticipate the opposing counsel’s arguments brought forth in such cases. Whether drafting contracts, negotiating, or litigating, our goal is to anticipate every potential issue that may sideline our client and deal with it proactively.

If you think someone has tortiously interfered with your business relationships in the state of Florida, the Campbell Law Group can help you stop the interference and recover the damages to which you are entitled.

The Campbell Law Group: Expert Legal Representation for Tortious Interference Cases

To pursue cases of Tortious Interference, it is essential to seek the counsel of an attorney who possesses expertise in complex business legal matters and litigation. It is even better if the attorney understands business dynamics and has a financial background. At the Campbell Law Group, we specialize in complex business litigation and have experience litigating cases that involve cross-border implications and jurisdictional issues.

Our firm accepts cases from all over South Florida, such as Miami Beach, Coral Gables, Coconut Grove, South Miami, Pinecrest, Brickell, Edgewater, Doral, and Wynwood, as well as cases in Broward and Palm Beach County, Tampa, Orlando, and the rest of Florida. Please contact us for more information regarding how our firm can help you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the elements of a successful claim for tortious interference with an advantageous business relationship in Florida?

To establish a successful claim for tortious interference with an advantageous business relationship in Florida, the plaintiff must prove that:

  • There was a business relationship that provided an economic benefit to the plaintiff
  • The defendant knew of the business relationship and its economic benefit to the plaintiff
  • The defendant intentionally interfered with the business relationship without justification
  • The interference caused harm or damages to the plaintiff

What are some examples of tortious interference with an advantageous business relationship?

There are several instances that may be considered tortious interference with an advantageous business relationship in Florida. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Inducing a client to terminate a business relationship with the plaintiff
  • Spreading false information about the plaintiff to customers or suppliers
  • Making threats to a third party who does business with the plaintiff
  • Interfering with the plaintiff’s business by disrupting its supply chain or production process
  • Using confidential information obtained from the plaintiff to gain a competitive advantage
  • Stealing customers or employees from the plaintiff
  • Filing frivolous lawsuits or administrative complaints against the plaintiff
  • Intentionally causing financial harm to the plaintiff
  • Blackmailing the plaintiff or using extortion tactics to interfere with its business relationships
  • Engaging in unfair competition practices against the plaintiff.

What defenses can be raised against a claim of tortious interference with an advantageous business relationship?

Some defenses that can be raised against a claim of tortious interference with an advantageous business relationship in Florida include:

  1. Justification: This might be a valid defense if the defendant had a valid business or legal reason for interfering with the plaintiff’s advantageous business relationship.
  2. Consent: This might be a defense if the plaintiff consented to the defendant’s actions that allegedly interfered with the advantageous business relationship.
  3. Lack of causation: If the defendant’s actions did not actually cause the plaintiff’s economic harm or interfere with their business relationship, this might be a defense.
  4. First Amendment: In some cases, the defendant’s actions may be protected by the First Amendment, such as when the defendant’s speech is considered opinion or commentary on a matter of public concern.

It is important to note that the availability and success of these defenses may vary depending on the case’s specific circumstances, and it is best to consult with an experienced attorney for guidance.

What damages can be sought in tortious interference with an advantageous business relationship claim?

In a claim for tortious interference with an advantageous business relationship, a plaintiff may seek damages that include economic losses, such as lost profits or business opportunities, as well as non-economic damages, such as harm to the plaintiff’s reputation or loss of goodwill.


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